Buy side

What can we do for you?

We will comprehensively prepare and implement the company purchase transaction. For your comfort and safety, we will participate in every stage of the process – we coordinate the entire process, starting from determining your expectations, identifying optimal goals and their valuation, through coordinating the study due diligence ( risk analysis ), ending with negotiating the sales contract and supervising the closing of the transaction .

Buy side process

Preparatory phase

Analysis of transaction goals

Submitting an initial offer

Due diligence coordination

Transactional phase

Submitting a binding offer

Negotiations and signing of the contract (SPA)

Closing the transaction

POST-transactional phase

Post-trade integration*

Post-trade integration

  • An efficient and professional post-transaction integration process is crucial to achieving the expected synergy effects and realizing the total value from the acquisition transaction. The Navigator team supports clients in developing and implementing an integration plan that is optimal from the investor’s point of view.


  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reporting
  • Purchasing processes
  • Budgets

Sales and marketing

  • Agreements with major clients
  • Sales structures/distribution channels
  • CRM systems
  • Brands

Legal and tax issues

  • Asset operations
  • Permits, certificates
  • Individual decisions and tax interpretations
  • Optimization of CIT, VAT, excise duty, etc.


  • Data exchange
  • Scope of system modifications
  • Data migration
  • Maintenance contracts


  • Communications related to merger/acquisition
  • External communication
  • Internal communication during integration processes


  • Remuneration regulations
  • Motivational systems
  • Key personnel retention program

Why is it worth using support in the buy-side process?

  • The buy-side process is complicated. Often, even the smallest transaction may involve a number of complications and generate the need for additional substantive support. The experience of a partner who knows the market, the mechanisms used and has relationships with investors and experience in conducting this type of transactions is very important.
  • Buy-side is characterized by the complexity of the entire process, which consists of many individual stages. Each of them requires specific competences and experience.
  • Using the services of a professional consulting company allows you to eliminate threats in the form of incorrect legal and factual assessment of the company.
  • Creating a professional document with a company profile helps significantly in achieving final success.

We have access to global markets

Thanks to cooperation with companies associated with the international Pandion Partners network, we are able to offer our clients access to the markets of Central and Eastern Europe, Western Europe, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, India and China.

We have also conducted numerous successful cross- border projects , both supporting the purchase of assets and searching for a foreign investor.


Karol Szykowny, CFA

Director at Navigator Capital Group, head of the M&A department, member of the management board of Navigator Capital Advisory Sp. z o. o

Artur Wilk

Manager at Navigator Capital Group

they trusted us

M&A market q2 2023

July 2023

  • The mergers and acquisitions market is currently an extremely dynamic area that plays a key role in the restructuring and development of companies and shapes the business landscape around the world.
  • In our expert commentary, we will focus on analyzing the latest trends and the challenges it faces. We will also look at the impact of global events and economic changes on M&A activity to better understand the opportunities and risks presented by this fascinating area of ​​business.
  • We invite you to an interview with Artur Wilk – Manager in the M&A Department of Navigator Capital, in which we will answer these questions.

M&A market q1 2023

April 2023

  • The mergers and acquisitions market may fluctuate depending on the overall economic situation, global trends, government policies, as well as other external and internal factors that may influence mergers and acquisitions decisions.
  • In recent months, we have noticed a dynamic revival in the number of transactions, primarily in the IT and medical sectors.
  • We invite you to an interview with Artur Wilk – Manager in the M&A Department of Navigator Capital, in which we will answer these questions.


M&A market in Poland – Summary of Q3 2023

October 2023

  • In cooperation with FORDATA Virtual Data Room, we have prepared a report in which we describe the 3rd quarter of 2023 on the Polish mergers and acquisitions market. It shows that in the third quarter In 2023, we witnessed 94 transactions. This is 20 more than in the third quarter. 2022 and 2 less than in Q2. 2023 The largest transaction was the acquisition of Techland by Tencent.

M&A market in Poland – Q2 2023 summary

July 2023

  • In cooperation with FORDATA Virtual Data Room, we have prepared a report in which we describe the second quarter of 2023 on the Polish mergers and acquisitions market. It shows that in the analyzed period, 96 mergers and acquisitions transactions were completed on the Polish market. This is 7 more than in Q2. 2022 and 1 more than in the first quarter. 2023 The largest transaction was the acquisition of STS Holding by Entain CEE.

M&A market in Poland – Summary of Q1 2023

April 2023

  • In cooperation with FORDATA Virtual Data Room, we have prepared a report in which we describe the first quarter of 2023 on the Polish mergers and acquisitions market. It shows that in the analyzed period, 95 mergers and acquisitions transactions were completed on the Polish market. In terms of industry, the Media/IT/Telecom (16%), Industry (15%) and FCMG (12%) sectors dominated.

M&A market in Poland – Summary of 2022

January 2023

  • In cooperation with FORDATA Virtual Data Room, we have prepared a report in which we describe the end of the year on the Polish mergers and acquisitions market. It shows that in 2022, 341 mergers and acquisitions transactions were carried out on the Polish market, approx. 4% more than a year ago and approx. 48% more than in 2020 (328 and 229 transactions, respectively).

street Twarda 18
00-105 Warsaw
tel.: +48 22 630 83 33


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